
Your Words Have the Power to Create Your Reality


God says in His Word that we can have what we say. (Mark 11:23)
But instead, many of us are “SAYING WHAT WE HAVE.”
Our words have the power to create our reality, and that’s exactly what you are doing every time you open your mouth. 
What are you creating? 

“I’m so broke.”
“I just can’t catch a break.”
“You’re on my last nerve.”
“This job is driving me crazy.”
“My kids are so wild. They just don’t listen.”
“There aren’t enough hours in the day.”
“I could never do that.”
“Someone is always causing problems for me.”
“No one ever appreciates me.”
“The harder I try, the worse things get for me.”
…and on, and on, and on.

Have you ever said any of the things listed above?
If so, you’re prophesying your future, solidifying the problem.
You’re basically cursing your own life with the words you’re speaking.

“But how could those words cause me problems? I’m not actually kneeling down and PRAYING those things.
God knows my heart and He knows I’m just frustrated. I’m not saying those things with the intention for them to become my destiny.

God created words to hold power.
He created words with the purpose of bringing things into existence.

That’s why He warns us,
“You are ensnared by the words of your mouth.” —Proverbs 6:2

That’s why He tells us,
“Life and death are in the power of the tongue. You will eat the fruit of your own words.” —Proverbs 18:21

The Power to Create

Every word you speak has the power to create.

The Bible tells us that “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Luke 6:45) so even though you think you’re not serious when you’re saying, “things never work out for me” just think about it for a minute.
You really are.
You know how I know that?
Because if your circumstances looked different you wouldn’t even consider saying something like that.
We often assume we aren’t serious when something comes out of our mouth.
Our words can even surprise us sometimes, but they reveal what’s actually in our heart.

Bottom line: Our words are always being used to create or destroy, to build up or tear down, to bring the promises to pass in our lives, or to declare a curse and a snare over our situation.

In order to truly change what we are coming into agreement with, we need to understand and believe our words hold weight and have the power to create.
Once we believe, we can repent from all the words we have knowingly or unknowingly spoken that have solidified negative results in our lives.
The Bible tells us, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge,” (Hosea 4:6) so KNOWING is half the battle.

The next step is to deal with our heart. Since we SPEAK what’s in our heart, we need to change what we are exposed to. The Bible tells us to renew our mind with the Word.
Basically, it’s garbage in / garbage out.
What are you exposing yourself to?
Netflix junk?
Violent or fear based TV?
Endless video games with questionable content?
Social media negativity?
People who are gossiping and NOT speaking the solution?
God will give you the power to break these habits if you let Him.
Invite God into every decision, every part of your day.
Agree to guard your heart and mind so you are filling your “inner container” with the Words of life.
If you do this, you will notice that the words you speak will change organically.
You’ll automatically speak God’s promise over every problem.
You’ll automatically make faith filled declarations over every negative circumstance, because that’s what you will be full of!
You’ll speak out of the abundance of your heart and your words will be used to bring the kind of change you actually want to see!

Here’s what I prayed OUT LOUD this morning:

Father God. I thank You for this day.
I ask You to bless it, in Jesus name.
I give You my words. I understand they have the power to create.
Put a guard over my mouth.
Keep me mindful of what I am saying.

Use my words as tools to bring the kingdom of heaven to earth.
Use my words to manifest Your purpose.

I come into agreement with You, right now, in Jesus name,
and declare that I will use my words to speak life,
to bless and not curse,
to speak the solution and not the problem,
to manifest Your favor and your grace,
to change situations,
to cancel the plans of the enemy.

Let my words bring healing, love, kindness and forgiveness.
Let my words change the atmosphere of every situation I enter.

I come into agreement with Your Word and declare that I am not carnally minded (which means to be led by what we see in the natural realm), but spiritually minded (which means to be led by what the Word says).
I live above the circumstances and am not bound by anything my eyes can see.
If there is evidence of a problem, I have the confidence and the wisdom to not only recognize the problem
but to change it, by speaking Your Word, Your Promise, and Your hope into every situation.
The same power that raised Christ Jesus from the dead is alive in me (Romans 8:11), and I agree to speak life!

I repent and turn from the careless ways I handled my words in the past and I break every problem, bondage, curse, and plan of the enemy that I’ve accidentally come into agreement with, in Jesus name.

Now you know better.
Use your words to change your life!


Robin Bright
Robin Bright
Articles: 14