
Does It Belong to you?


To believe and pray for something is ACTION. It’s the act of pulling something from the spiritual realm into the physical realm.

You can call it “believing for it.”
You can call it “manifesting it.” 

You can call it anything you want, but in order to believe and pray for something and to bring it into existence there are specifics:

Does it belong to you?

Understanding spiritual things isn’t complicated.
If you’re going to believe and pray for something with 100% confidence that you will receive it, you have to break down all the barriers in your brain.
The first barrier and most important question is “Does this belong to me?”
“Is this really mine?”
“Does God want this for me?”

You’re always going to face resistance when you’re believing for something so it’s critical to know what belongs to you. Whatever you’re bringing from the spiritual to the physical has to be based on your authority.
It has to be something you have a right to as a believer.

A lot of people get stuck right here. They aren’t sure if they can pray for healing or financial success or freedom from fear (or whatever else) because they don’t know what they have a right to.

Step one is always connected to finding your promise in the Word.
If the Word says you can have it then God says you can have it. (God and His Word are one.)

God doesn’t change:
“God is not man, that he should lie or change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?” —Numbers 23:19

If you are a believer (meaning if you believe Jesus died on the cross and rose again to save us) then there are certain things you have a right to.
I didn’t say it.
God said it.

It really is okay to believe that God’s promises are true for you.
And guess what? God already knows you might have a hard time believing —you know, because of resistance, and fear of being wrong, and what will people think of you if you go around saying you are just going to believe God’s Word no matter what things look like right now.
Yea, He already knew that would be a challenge, so He also said,
“Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame..” —Romans 10:11

It’s hard to step out in faith and believe.
It’s a challenge for your rational brain that tries to tell you it’s all foolishness, but I learned a long time ago that I had nothing to lose by leaning in to God’s promises and making the decision to take Him at His Word and believe.
And a little side note: It’s only really difficult the first time. After you experience God’s promises manifesting in your life, you will wonder what took you so long to go all in!

So, how is it done?
What do you have to do to pull what God’s Word says into your reality?

Say it until you see it.

Proverbs 18:21 tells us, “Life and death are in the power of the tongue.”
Joel 3:10 says “Let the weak SAY I am strong. Let the poor SAY I am rich.”
Why would someone who is poor walk around saying “I am rich. I am blessed. I have everything I need for my life?”
Because God knows the power of our words.
He created us with that power.
The Bible says, “Life and death are in the power of our tongue.” —Proverbs 18:21

If we want to access the things God has already given us (abundant life, health, wisdom, victory, freedom from addiction, freedom from lack, freedom from anxiety and fear) we have to “call those things that are not as though they were” (Romans 4:17).
In simple English it means, stop agreeing with what you see and start speaking the end goal.
Instead of saying, “Nothing ever works out for me on my job,” find the Scripture that says “Whatever you put your hand to will prosper” (Deuteronomy 15:10) and start speaking that over your life.
You are called to change situations with the Word.
You are called to change the atmosphere.
God has already given you this ability. You just have to walk in the authority that is already yours!

We are called to bring the kingdom of heaven on earth. We do that by realizing that whatever situation we see with our natural eyes is subject to change when we apply the Word of God to it.

Facts confronted by Truth are subject to change.

Believe and Pray

So, first find your promise so you are in fully convinced that something is available to you; like healing for example.
“By His stripes we were healed.” Isaiah 53:5
Once you have the promise, your ACTION is to believe and pray.
I think of it as “coming into agreement with what the Word says is already mine” and declaring it over my life until I see it manifest.

When someone in my family is sick I say, “I thank You Jesus that You already made healing available to me on the cross. I speak to this body and tell it to line up with the Word of God and manifest healing.”
That’s how I take action.
It’s how I believe and pray.

I just did this a few days ago for a problem my daughter was having. She was instantly healed. Later she told me that as I was praying, the Lord told her to “actively agree with the prayer. Don’t just be a spectator but really set your mind and your spirit into agreement with the promise.
Lean into the promise.
Put your faith toward it.”
…And the result was healing.

I believe nothing is impossible when you hook yourself up to God’s Word.
You are unstoppable.
I mean, come on. . . the Word says if you are a believer you have “the same spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead alive in you!” —Romans 8:11
There is no power greater than this!

If you are believing for life, health, abundance, peace, or freedom from any type of oppression today, it is God’s will for you to have the victory. You can pray with confidence that you will have what you say!
Fear not.
Only believe. 

Robin Bright
Robin Bright
Articles: 14