An overcoming, purpose driven life is one that manifests the promises and goodness of God, in the here and now.
It is a life where the promises of God bring change to every situation we come in contact with.
Where is this kind of life?
Why don’t we see it more often (or at all)?
We were created to be containers of hope and to leave a legacy for our families, and our children, and for every life we encounter.
As believers, we have been called to heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons. (Matthew 10:8)
Jesus has already given us authority over all the power of the enemy. (Luke 10:19)
Why are we waiting for God to answer our prayers. when He already has?
God sent Jesus to overcome every curse, hindrance, oppression, trap, discouragement and disease.
We already have the victory in all situations!
The question is, how do we walk that out?
How do we access this life?
Where is the door? Where is the key?
If you are living your life settling for sickness, anxiety, addiction, depression, oppression or lack in any area of your life (mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually) I have good news for you!
Today can be the day you stop settling.
Today can be the day you step into the promises of God and experience real, tangible change in your life.
You are an overcomer!
You’ve been created to walk in wisdom and victory in every area of your life.
Health, freedom, joy, abundance and purpose belong to you.
Let’s walk together and learn how to access everything that is rightfully yours as a child of God!
I love you!
God loves you more!
– Robin

Robin Bright
Free Your Mind From Negative Thoughts In 5 Minutes or Less
3 Steps to Breaking Soul Ties - Yes, This is About Sex
Psalm 91 Prayer and Promise of Protection
The Danger of "Accepting Things I Cannot Change"
Daily Dose
Praying Gods Will - It's Not A Secret
Knowing God's Character Gives Us Confidence
Does It Belong to you?
Stop Sitting On Your Side Hustle Out Of Fear
How To Stop Anxiety and Walk Free
Getting Past the Threshold of Transition
Purpose Driven Life
Talking about the hard things because we only get to do this part once.
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